On May 3, Franx played their first ever show at Slipper Clutch along with Hurt Hawks, Losses and Blck Svndy

On April 30 Dildox got down for a Damaged Disco night at Gold-Diggers in Hollywood

Sonia Fierce is a sonic alchemist and taking electronic music to another level

Katie Walsh’s photographs are an intimate look at the unspoken connection between friends and lovers

On April 19 Zebulon got down deep and heavy with Deathchant and Danava

Suzi Sabotage made the journey from Finland to LA to deliver a killer set at Knucklehead in Hollywood.

Power punk quartet Dedfones are bringing 90’s style flavor to a new generation.

Reckless Magazine brought bands and photographers together for an immortal night of fun at Permanent Records Roadhouse

We sat down for a conversation with synth punk duo Dildox. If you wear black leather, they’re the band for you.

Scimitar, Acid Train and Gatatech played a wonderfully electronic night at La Cita on 3/22/2024

Don’t be fooled by the seemingly quiet nature of Joy Shannon’s harp music. It’s every bit as brash and powerful as any metal band out there.

Naked Aggression cranked up the volume with a bunch of other femme-fronted bands to celebrate International Women’s Day

With their mix of 1980’s horror movies, classic punk twenty-first century glam, Stormhouse is electrifying LA

Stunning new work from an artist who makes collage meet reincarnation

At the intersection of European glamour and California sheen you’ll find Eric Rodriguez’s paintings.

Laser Angel sat down with LA punk rock maestros Crisis Actor!

Cruel Kiss, Dildox, Losses and Brood Faye tear up Genghis Cohen!

Check out our recent interview with one of LA’s most exciting punk bands Gottlieb!